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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Taking Instruction


I found it hard to sleep last night; as I was thinking about your comments about my constant directing/coaching during and after pick-up games; which leads to people hesitant to play with me. You also went on to say that, because of this, you don't play well.

I understand that it's just bball and its not that serious (to some extent) but just don't let your inability to take instruction effect what you do in life (You will always be taking instruction from someone).

The biggest thing we get out of team sports is learning how to work towards a common goal with others (Teammates and Coaches). This means that you may not like what your coach (superior) has to say to you or how he says it; but should always be cognizant of the fact that he/she IS your superior; and for obvious reasons. So you can not let that effect your productivity. You still need to produce.

When I'm instructing someone, I only say what I see. I found that some people take it and run with it and others wine and complain about it. This tells me a lot about the coachability of that person; and is a sign of weakness of the winer and complainer. During my long tenure as a coach, and even a avid player of the game, I've seen little boys develop (mentally and physically) into men (bball or whatever); mainly because of my direction. If I was a weak coach (was scared to tell them what they were doing wrong) then would they be where they are now? I say no!

I've learned that about 99% of the guys that come to TB, or any rec for that matter, is there just to have fun and hang out with their buddies. So I need to respect that and just step back and allow that to happen. However, being the competitor and teacher that I am, it's extremely hard for me to do that. But I'll just have to work on that. I've found that the best way for me to do that is to simply not play; as I can't change who I am.

I've learned that not everyone is there to actually improve at the game, even if they say that want to improve. This is obvious in, not by what they say, but by what I see them do.

By the way, my instruction is not that different from you instructing/directing/coaching your friend Yuji.

Coach Tilden

PS:  I'm sharing this with others that I think will benefit from this.

MDX's Bread and Butter

MDX's Bread and Butter
" Half " - 1 Press 4 Helf Defense