You guys are being pounded with a lot of bball knowledge in a short period of time. I applaud you for your diligence and efforts.
A few reminders:
See both your man and the ball using your peripheral vision
Talk on defense
Maintain a 1 press 4 help position.
If your man don't have the ball and he's not in the paint then you should have at least 1 foot in the paint
As the ball is being passed to your man then you close out on him quickly in short choppy steps
If your man goes to the Low or High Posts or cuts through the paint, you deny him
If he goes towards the perimeter then you let him go (but see him and the ball)
Deny the baseline - if your man has the ball and moving towards the basket then force him inside where you have help
If you pass the ball then go do something. Don't just stand - or call for the ball back. That makes no sense and we get no rotation of bodies
when this happens
Always, receive the ball in triple threat and look for cutters or curlers first
Break the Angle when feeding the low post - create a passing lane by moving towards the wing
Don't telegraph your pass
Make hard and deliberate passes ALL OF THE TIME - never throw a weak sloppy pass.
V-Cut to get open (to receive the ball)
Always step to the ball, unless you're swinging the ball quickly without a dribble along the perimeter
Always step to pass the ball
Use the backdoor signal when your opponent is guarding you close and reading the passing lane
LOOK TO PASS BEFORE LOOKING TO SHOOT. But shoot when you're open.
I know I came down on you guys pretty hard at times, but I will tell you now, you should expect that and more. This is how you will improve.
We played those adults and teenagers pretty well and won the majority of our games. So you have a lot to be proud of.
Keep up the great work. Focus on the above things and the next games will be even more rewarding.
I will post this information on the website for all to learn from.
Coach Tilden